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Next Steps

We feel it is important to inform the public about the general development process and timeline moving forward.
This is outlined below.

Public Consultation
February 2025
We are undertaking this public consultation process before we submit a planning application for full planning permission. We have also circulated leaflets to residents and businesses in the surrounding site area, containing a brief description of the proposed development, a link to this consultation website and a pre-paid comments slip.
​This consultation will allow our Development Team to engage with local residents and the community to receive feedback on the proposed development scheme.
​The application will be accompanied by a Statement of Community Involvement which will detail the feedback received with respect to all public consultation exercise and set out how the development proposals have been adapted in response.
Planning Process
Application Submission: estimated end of March 2025
The application will require all relevant details of the social, transport, highways and environmental impacts to be finalised and submitted upfront. The application must also be submitted with detailed drawings, including the site layout, floorplans, elevations, sections and visuals to understand the development.
You will be able to submit comments on the planning application directly to the London Borough of Lambeth once it is validated and live. The comments section of the project consultation website will also remain active so you can make further representations via this method which in turn will be passed onto the Council.
Get Involved, Share Your Feedback
Submission of Post-Planning Applications: estimated Early 2026
Post Planning
Submission of Post-Planning Applications: estimated Early 2026
Should the application be granted consent, the London Borough of Lambeth will attach planning conditions to the planning permission which will require details related to specific matters of the development and its operations to be submitted to and approved by them. This will most likely include the creation and subsequent adherence to a ‘Construction Management Plan’ in order to understand and mitigate against the construction activities and their resulting impact (including effect on the amenity of residents).
It will also be pertinent to secure any ‘planning obligations’ within a Section 106 Agreement. This will include the provision of education, community and highways infrastructure improvements directly related to the development.
As you have now reached the end of the webpage and have an understanding of the site context, indicative development proposals and associated benefits. Please provide your feedback by using the convenient online comments form below. All comments will be considered carefully.
We will also be undertaking an in-person public consultation exhibition at St John the Divine, 92 Vassall Rd, London, SW9 6JA on 27th February 2025 between 5pm – 7.30pm where you can discuss the proposals with the development team. We hope to see you then. We hope you support us with our development proposals for this site.